Speech of the General Director of INCONA A. Busev on the RBC TV channel


On February 20, 2014 in the live program of the RBC TV channel «Today. The main thing» was attended by Alexey Busev, General Director of INCONA, member of the Export Committee of Delovaya Rossiya. The program was devoted to the development of non-commodity exports of Russia, as well as the implementation of state policy in this direction. An informational occasion for discussing this topic was a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of supporting domestic exports.

A. Busev noted that, despite the skepticism of some experts, there are enterprises in Russia that can compete internationally not only in the raw materials sector. However, they still, unlike many of their foreign colleagues, do not have sufficient experience and knowledge to successfully promote their goods and services internationally. In this matter, according to A. Busev, the state should help domestic companies.

Currently, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, regional export-oriented activity support centers, the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance, as well as a number of other organizations are engaged in the promotion and development of exports of products of Russian companies. According to A. Busev, in order to develop the export potential of non-commodity sectors of the Russian economy, a single body is required that regulates all activities to support Russian exports.

As an example, A. Busev cited the experience of supporting business in the UAE, the USA, Canada, Europe and other countries. In these countries, the authorities provide full-scale support for the export of national products. Entrepreneurs in the above-mentioned countries, in addition to financial support, receive professional assistance in entering foreign markets, including conducting marketing research, lobbying at the state level, legal advice, etc..

In conclusion of his speech, A. Busev noted that domestic companies, having good, competitive products, cannot always correctly promote them in foreign markets. The mechanisms working in Russia are not always effective abroad. The support of professional specialists on the issue of doing business in a particular country can solve this problem.