In winter Arab airlines plan to increase the number of flights from the UAE to Russia


In the upcoming winter season, Arab airlines plan to fly more often from the United Arab Emirates to Russia.

Thus, Emirates Airline, which flew in the direction «Dubai — Moscow (Domodedovo) — Dubai» with a frequency of 14 flights per week, increases the frequency of flights to 17 flights from September 1. It will operate three flights a day on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and two on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Other carriers are still maintaining the same passenger traffic volumes in the UAE: FlyDubai operates five flights a day from Moscow, Air Arabia operates three flights, Emirates operates two, and Etihad operates one. But FlyDubai and Air Arabia airlines also have plans to increase flights to Russia. It is known that they have already requested an increase in quotas for routes to Russian cities.

According to experts, this trend towards an increase in flights from the UAE to Russia is likely to continue and will lead to more flights in winter than in summer.